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Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Deal With a Tax Audit in Texas By: Seomul Evans

One of the most stressful things that can happen to someone is when they get audited by the IRS. If you receive a letter from the tax audit department in Texas, you may feel under a lot of pressure to simply pay whatever the IRS audit Texas states that you owe them and be done with it. Each year, several thousands of people do just that just to avoid the often lengthy tangle that dealing with the IRS entails. Even if they are right and the IRS is wrong, they get so intimidated by this giant bureaucracy that they pay whatever they tell them to pay and shut up about it.
This is not right. No one should be bullied into paying money when they do not owe it. If you have received notice that you are under a tax audit in Texas, it will help you to be aware of a few things:
The IRS audit Texas is not always right
Believe it or not, the tax audit department in Texas is not always right. In many cases, the IRS audit may be wrong, which could have been brought on by error in computations and even human error. It is important to bear that in mind when you are dealing with the IRS. The people who work for the IRS are just ordinary people like you, not superheroes. They make mistakes and chances are that the computers that they use are slower and less sophisticated than the computer that you currently use. The IRS has not updated their computer system in a few years. The tax audit department is not always right. In many cases, you may be right and the IRS audit may be wrong. If you find yourself in such a situation you have to be willing to fight for your rights.

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